特集ページではtheoの Toonが、トニーセイムとのコミュニケーションであかしてくれた、このプロジェクトにかけた想い、デザインに対する考えをお伝えします。
Model: HAKU
47◻︎21 140 / ¥40,000
col.1 マットブラック・ブラック
col.2 マットブラック・ゴールド
col.3 マットブルー・シルバー
Model: KIKO
45◻︎23 140 / ¥40,000
col.1 マットレッド/マットブラウン
col.2 マットブルー/マットブラック
col.3 マットグリーン・マットブラウン
Interview with Toon
from Theo

Was there any relationship between theo and tonysame before this collaborative project?
テオとトニーセイムのこれまでの関係性は?We have met tonysame many years ago at the Hong Kong show. At that moment we had no idea who or what the brand represented. But as thier booth was always really busy we were curious.
And of course during shows there are always quieter moments and there we had time to meet each other and started to learn each other…私たちは随分前に、香港展示会で会いました。その時は実際どこのブランドかわかりませんでしたが、ブースはとても忙しそうで興味を持っていました。
How do you think about tonysame?
トニーセイムについて感じていることを教えてください。I think they make beautiful eyewear. More important, they have their own identity. Which I think is always important in a brand.
What is the uniqueness of Theo’s production??
テオのプロダクトの独自性は何ですか?We at theo always push our designers to develop their idea the fullest into the frames.
Meaning, I think every detail in every frame is incredible important.
It’s all about the small details and at the end … it that uniqueness that makes the frame.
So if you translate all those details into production you can imagine it’s not always easy to achieve our design into reality.sometimes we just have to push limits to open new possibilities in the production.私たちテオはデザイナーのアイデアをフレームに最大限活用することを求めていて、それはつまり全てのフレームの全ての要素が重要。それは本当に小さなディテールのことで、その独創性がフレームを形作る。
ディテールのイメージを全て生産に落とし込み、実現しようととするのは毎回本当に大変で、時には自分たちの限界を押し広げて、新しいものつくりの可能性を広げる必要があるんだ。 -
What is the concept of this product?
このプロダクトのコンセプトは?Theo is more known for his metal production. As we love to play with neon colours. So we have designed a metal front… that stands for who we are as theo and also our strongest point… this together with acetate hinges which is a design feature with Tonysame. So at the end we have a beautiful design created by theo but finished and made by Tonysame. So you feel it’s theo… but made by tonysame. That was our goal. So you see there is a connection to our collection but different…
あなたもそれぞれのコレクションと繋がっているけど、違うものということが見て取れるでしょう… -
How did you feel when you saw the tonysame:theo products??
実際にこのフレームを見たときはどのように感じましたか?I see the collection of tonysame I felt that they made really beautiful. They found ways to play with colours, acetate, hinges, …. They are really creative in their own way and I think it’s really well done. I loved their hinge. It’s stylish, elegant and strong.
Have you been collaborated with several eyewear brands so far?
これまでアイウェアブランドとコラボレーションしたことはありますか?no, we have never done this before. We have collaborated with artists and incredible people that have nothing to do in the eyewear industry. But never with another brand. So for us it’s new. Tonysame is a strong brand in the Asian market. Theo is known for being special and different. So our goal was to open eyes and make something different but still incredible wearable which is nice finished and you feel the autograph from theo in a tonysame jacket.
つまり私たちの目標は目を開けて、何か違ったもの、「トニーセイムのジャケットにテオのサインがしてある」ようなもの素晴らしい装飾品を創ることでした。 -
What is the interesting thing about this collaboration?
このコラボレーションの面白いところは?The most interesting part is seeking for new limits. We have experience in making frames as so do we… but it’s the combination of the 2 brands that pushes us to new limits. So we loved it and it was a nice experience.